Public and Private

People act differently when they are in public and private spaces, because there are social norms restricting what a person can do in both spaces. A person may act freely inside their own home but may not act as freely in someone else’s home. For example, in “Paris is Burning”, a documentary in 1990 the private space is inside the building, and they can act as they wish. However, once they leave, they are restricted in what they do in society. The past, present, and future of agency affects how we act in society and through social structures (Geog 423).  For example, same sex marriage could not be accepted in public in the past, but they are now starting to get accepted in public. The society is constantly changing with new social structures. Geographically, we tend to be on a higher alert to our surroundings when we are in an unfamiliar place. An example may be when we are on a vacation at India, China, or any unfamiliar place, especially if they are lost. The public realm is commonly misconceived as the place for men, while women are only to roam in the private realm. Women are restricted to only going to places that are considered "feminine", such as shopping malls and grocery stores, while men are able to go anywhere they want.

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