
Power & Gender/Geography

One of the greatest powers in society is the “norm.” The norm is able to influence and control the behavior of individuals. One of the major norms of society is man, and man as the “dominant power”.  When considering the power of man, we have to look at gender construction that determines what masculine is and what feminine is. We can then see how power is distributed and hierarchies are created, and comprehend why women lack influence while men are typically more privileged. One way that male power can be constructed is by biological difference. According to Rosalind Coward, “ female slimness masks…an anxiety about power and competence" (345). Male-bodies are socially constructed as being stronger than women’s, so when women enter spaces that are male-bodied they feel anxiety about the level of power they have. An example of space that women feel less powerful is in public spaces. In the Geography of Fear by Gill Valentine, he mentioned a reading group that talked about the “male use of physical size and comportment by asserting masculinity to intimidate women,” as well as mocking women who engage in physical activity (389). We see here how male bodies are viewed as superior and female bodies are viewed as inferior. If women feel uncomfortable in public space, they often avoid certain public spaces because they feel physically inferior and therefore less powerful. Men can have an influence on how women behave in public space.

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